Nowadays, owning a car has become a necessity for most of us, but not all of us can be expected to have extensive technical knowledge about the mechanical and engineering aspects of cars. We rely on trained mechanics and service centers to keep your valuable investment in the best condition for your money.
Unfortunately, our general lack of knowledge about vehicles and technology is often exploited by the very professionals we trust with our cars.
Engine Preparation and Decarbonization
Mechanics and service centers are guided by the needs of responsible customers when servicing car engines and often impose unnecessary tasks on customers, such as: B. the “decarbonization of the engine” every 15,000 to 20,000 km. In fact, modern engines are designed for high efficiency and do not need to be decarbonized for at least 50,000 km. This particular step can add up to 1,800 rupees to your final bill.
Another unnecessary but highly recommended process is engine detailing. A technician will spray a mixture onto your engine cover to keep it looking clean and fresh. Although little labor or special materials are required, this item may incur an additional charge of up to 800 rupees.